By the Numbers

Expense Management

Gathered from 15+ years of experience, 500+ client engagements, over $80 million of invoices reviewed and several thousand Telecom Carrier contract negotiations.

  • Number one initial reason for client desiring a TEM engagement?

    • To make the “noise” go away and exhausted from always being reactive to Telecom challenges

  • Number one reason after TEM engagement?

    • Peace of mind in knowing that there is a proactive process managing your Telecom Spend, rates, assets and budget.

  • Average annual percent of Telecom budget forfeited to Carriers due to not reviewing invoices?

    • 12-17% of annual budgets are forfeited each year to Carriers by not reviewing and auditing monthly invoices.

  • Average percentage of client’s landlines with no defined user/owner before a line audit?

    • 11-16% of land lines are found to be out of service, with no owners or simply go unused.

  • Percentage of companies that simply pay Telecom invoices without any oversight/reconciliation process?

    • Up to 80% of companies simply pay their bill in full without any inspection. Gartner

  • Average percentage of total invoices that have carrier errors?

    • Gartner researchers have estimated that up to 85% of all Telecom Invoices are in errors, with most errors in the carrier’s favor.

  • Where most outrageous billing/invoice errors take place?

    • Cancellations and adjustments of service

  • Average low/high percentage annual Telecom savings?

    • 2XL TEM average low percentage of annual savings 18%, High percentage is 45%

  • How much work on your part to gather the information?

    • When you work with 2XL TEM, we do all of the work; you just need to provide us access to your carrier portals.

  • Why not just do this Telecom Expense Management work internally?

    • Our staff averages 25-30 years experience in Telecom Expense Management.

    • Leverage our proven, in place, C-Level expertise immediately

    • Our staff has taught college level courses on the subject. (University California Irvine School of Engineering)

    • Our staff has actually written the book on the subject. (Negotiating Telecommunications Contracts, published by The Telecom Library Inc., New York).

    • We have negotiated thousands of carrier pricing negotiations, with tremendous results.

    • Our services cost you nothing as we work on a contingency basis. We only get paid after delivering your results.

    • Our results are second to none.